Looking forward to May days!


A happy (belated) May to you all! Since this first Wednesday was also the first day of the month, I decided to put this newsletter off until I had a better handle on some upcoming info. Plus, it was a hectic (in a good way) April, largely thanks to the East Buntyn Artwalk. A BIG thanks to all of you who came out to enjoy this wonderful art festival last month; its coordinators did a really good job of bringing the same energy it had in the past, despite a 5-year gap since the last one! If you missed out, be sure to put the 2025 Artwalk on your calendar – it’ll be coming back on April 26, 2025!

I’ve got a couple of other events still booked on my calendar, but nothing as substantial as my display for the Artwalk was. Still, they’ll be fun shows, and give me the chance to get out of the studio to show off some new work…

Get the full scoop on my upcoming shows and get a peek at work on my drawing board in my May newsletter!

Off on the right foot!


Happy belated new year, all! January has been a weather-driven challenge, to say the least– our prolonged MidSouth deep freeze felt like a Kansas winter … only in a place without the municipal or domestic infrastructure to handle it! This year we got through without burst pipes or power loss, so we fared better than many Memphians, for which I’m thankful.

Climate drama aside, I’ve gotten the new year off to a better start than I have in some time! I completed a six-page story for Bob Corby’s excellent OH, Comics! anthology, and have maintained a sketchbook practice I call a “daily-a-day” meant to get me back into the flow of how I used to produce my weekly webcomic. Largely a writing exercise at this point– and by no means finished comics ready to publish– it is a good first step towards that goal. I’m pleased with the way things are coming together, and planning to move on to the finished art stage this month, working towards the resumption of my webcomic and new print editions, too! I think it bodes well for things to come over the next few months….

Get the full scoop on my upcoming shows (yes, they’re already in the works!) and get a peek at work on my drawing board in my February newsletter!

Heating up!


I don’t need to go on about how hot it’s been here, because you all no doubt have your own tales of a blistering July (tales that probably outdo mine). Hope you can keep as cool as you can as the summer wears on.

A big thank you to those of you who attended my Artist Trading Card show last month. I had a good time there, met some new art collectors excited by the work I’m making, made some new artist friends, enjoyed a summery cocktail from Crosstown Art Bar, and even gave away a prize to a lucky winner from one of my mystery packs! A good time had by all, and an event I’d happily take part in again (and I’ll encourage you to do the same next time one rolls around…

In a bit of housekeeping news, I closed down my Twitter account after some 8 years. Kinda bittersweet, because while I will miss a lot of the fun interactions I used to have on that site, it hasn’t felt like that place for some time. I really cut back my use of it about 6 months ago, and found I didn’t miss it all that much. If a less agitating space comes my way (Blue Sky invite, anyone?), I might return to social media, but until then I’ll just stick with my blog…

In happier news, and to return to the title of this section, my schedule is heating up a bit, too, with a number of new events coming up over the next couple of months…

Get the full scoop on my upcoming shows and get a peek at work on my drawing board in my August newsletter!

Everything old is new again


Happy new year! It’s been a few years since I made one of my “New Year’s resolutions” posts, because these pandemic years have shown me in the clearest manner possible how easily plans can be washed away. As a result, I’ve pretty much stopped trying to make a year’s worth of creative plans at one time … and to go with the flow when what plans I have made get torn asunder.

Like (I imagine) many creative types, it’s felt like I’ve been spinning my wheels over the past few years, making work but not feeling like it’s getting in front of the audience that needs or wants it. With fewer IRL events, I tried more social media promotion, but I rarely come out on the winning side of the algorithm game. And with the TikTok-ification of Instagram, and the impending? inevitable? collapse of Twitter, that whole scene has become less of an environment I want to spend time my time in. So I’ve decided to scale my Twitter and Facebook pages back (for the most part) to just mirror posting from this blog and my webcomic. I’ve deleted those apps from my phone, too, and have felt pretty good about rarely using them. I still check in on a number of artists on Instagram (when not scrolling past the too-frequent Reels unrelated to the accounts I follow) and even post drawings there from time to time … tho not as often as I used to. Which gives me more time draw. Which I call a win-win!

Get the full scoop on the closure of my Patreon account, a sneak peek at my drawings for the next MSCA art show, and more in my February newsletter!