Hot off the press: Watusi in the Emerald City of Oz!

With my latest print project, I’m kind of leaping over some past storylines with the reprinting of my Watusi the Talking Dog webcomic. The plus side is that I’ll be able to promote the current storyline while it’s still going on; the downside is that (following the most recent Watusi issues) it will seem like I’m obsessed with emeralds…

Either way, it’s (if I do say so myself) a pretty sharp-looking collection! Watusi in the Emerald City of Oz contains 34 full-page strips, new chapter headers and cover art, plus a vintage Minerva Stone solo comic from 1999! It chronicles Watusi & friends’ arrival in the Emerald City, has a fair amount of “Ozzy” touches for readers familiar with Baum’s novels, and includes the turn of events that kicks this epic story into high gear.

I’ll be promoting the book at my upcoming shows, and whatever stops I can wrangle on my summer road trips. Look for info on signings and other events on my twitter feed, or just sign up for my e-mail list to stay in the know!

Watusi in the Emerald City of Oz is a 48-page black & “white” (interiors are on green paper!) standard comic w/full-color covers. You can order it directly from me (see the shop page) or thru my Square store to get a copy delivered right to your mailbox!

Holiday piece No. 30

At the end of every year I send out a holiday piece to friends and family who have had an impact on my life that year, but since my audience has grown to include readers (via website visits, fb & twitter follows) I don’t know personally, I wanted to share the joy with my “virtual” friends as well. Thanks for taking the time to visit this blog or follow my weekly Watusi webcomic. It’s much appreciated!

Of course, the irony is not lost on me that I had to leave Kansas behind before I got around to writing my “Watusi in Oz” story. But that’s what it took, I guess. And even if I wasn’t able to incorporate as many collage elements as I’d planned, I’ve been happy with how the story has developed, and think it pays proper homage to the work of Baum & Denslow. There’s lots still to go on the story, so check it out— I’d love to hear what you think about it, especially if you’re a fan of the original books!

2017 also saw my first dip into crowdfunding via Patreon (look for a special patron-only webcomic coming there next year) and stepping away from comic work to do more “fine” art– including paintings, prints, and even a 3D piece for an exhibit as part of Memphis’ Crosstown Concourse grand opening.

Best wishes for a happy 2018!